Activities and Events


S. No. Session Date of Conduct Name of the Activity / Event Organized / Conducted Organized By Report
1 2021-2022 27-11-2021 Capacity building & Personality Development Program Dept. of mechanical engg
2 2019-2020 18-6-2020 Soft-skills Dept. of mechanical engg
3 2019-2020 17-6-2020 Soft-skills Dept. of mechanical engg
4 2019-2020 16-6-2020 Soft-skills Dept. of mechanical engg
5 2019-2020 12-6-2020 Soft-skills Dept. of mechanical engg
6 2019-2020 1-3-2020 Webinar of Mahesh Munjal Dept. of mechanical engg
7 2019-2020 22-2-2020 Python Programming Dept. of mechanical engg
8 2019-2020 8-2-2020 Design of Cantilever beam Dept. of mechanical engg
9 2019-2020 25-1-2020 Coding Dept. of mechanical engg
10 2019-2020 24-1-2020 IEI Lecture Dept. of mechanical engg
11 2019-2020 24-1-2020 ERP sim distribution Dept. of mechanical engg
12 2019-2020 23-1-2020 ERP sim distribution Dept. of mechanical engg
13 2019-2020 21-1-2020 ERP sim distribution Dept. of mechanical engg
14 2019-2020 7-12-2019 Interaction of final year students with CEO career wheel limited Shamli, UP Dept. of mechanical engg
15 2019-2020 22-11-2019 Interaction of final year students with Vice President, HR Tata Stell Dept. of mechanical engg
16 2019-2020 12-9-2019 FESTO Training, Phase - 2 Dept. of mechanical engg
17 2019-2020 22-9-2019 Netflix Vs Novel
18 2019-2020 1-8-2019 FESTO Training, Phase - 1 Dept. of mechanical engg
19 2019-2020 13-7-2019 CNC Training Dept. of mechanical engg
20 2018-2019 22-4-2019 Basic tools of solid edge Dept. of mechanical engg
21 2018-2019 21-4-2019 Quiz on reasoning Dept. of mechanical engg
22 2018-2019 8-4-2019 Quiz on material management Dept. of mechanical engg
23 2018-2019 23-2-2019 Sales & distribution module Dept. of mechanical engg
24 2018-2019 28-1-2019 Quiz on reasoning Dept. of mechanical engg
25 2018-2019 22-1-2019 C programming Dept. of mechanical engg
26 2018-2019 28-10-2018 Aptitude Quiz - 2 Dept. of mechanical engg
27 2018-2019 27-10-2018 Frugal engineering II Dept. of mechanical engg
28 2018-2019 9-10-2018 FI & CO MODULE Dept. of mechanical engg
29 2018-2019 30-9-2018 Growth Vs Job Dept. of mechanical engg
30 2018-2019 30-9-2018 Ambani Vs Amazon Dept. of mechanical engg
31 2018-2019 24-9-2018 Carriage components Dept. of mechanical engg
32 2018-2019 8-9-2018 Ware house management module Dept. of mechanical engg
33 2018-2019 10-8-2018 Design of knuckle joint by solid edge Dept. of mechanical engg
34 2018-2019 28-7-2018 Aptitude Quiz - 1 Dept. of mechanical engg
35 2018-2019 21-7-2018 CNC tools Dept. of mechanical engg
36 2018-2019 9-7-2018 FDP ON AUTOMOTIVE ENGINES Dept. of mechanical engg
37 2018-2019 1-6-2018 EMS & engineering safety trends Dept. of mechanical engg

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smart manufacturing and industry 4.0 training(IIT delhi)
smart manufacturing and industry 4.0 training(IIT delhi)
smart manufacturing and industry 4.0 training(IIT delhi)
one week refresher course for diploma students
IPR session
Admission 2025-26