

Awards / Recognitions

S.No. Session Name of Awardee Date of Award / Recognition Details of Award / Recognition Award / Recognition Given By
1 2022-23 Dr. Husain Mehdi 6-4-2023

Research excellence award by DTU


S. No. Session Date Short Details of the Achievement
1 2023-24 3,5-11-2023

Got 1st position in 30 Kg Robo war competition organised by IIT Patna

2 2023-24 31-10-2023

Got 1st position in 15 kg robo sumo organised by Jamia Hamdard University

3 2023-24 18-10-2023

Got 3rd Position in Drone flying competion by RKGIT, Ghaziabad

4 2023-24 14-10-2023

Got 3rd position in 30 Kg Robo war competition organised by IIT Dhanbad

5 2023-24 3-9-2023

Got 2nd position in 30 Kg Robo war competition organised by IIT Guwahati

6 2023-24 25,26-8-2023

Got 1st position in 30 Kg Robo war competition organised by IIT Delhi

7 2023-24 23-7-2023 Got 3rd position in InterNational 30 kg Robowar Competition organised by Technoxian World Robotics Championship, Noida
8 2022-23 14-4-2023

Got 2nd Position in Drone flying competion by JECRC College, Jaipur

9 2022-23 25,26-3-2023

Got 1st position in 30 Kg Robo war competition organised by IIT Roorkee

10 2022-23 10-12-2022

Got 1st position in Zonal Drone competition organised by AKTU

Important Photo

Research excellence Award to Dr Husain Mehdi at DTU
Admission 2025-26