Meerut Institute of Engineering and Technology (MIET) was established in 1997 as self financed Institute affiliated with state technical University of Uttar Pradesh. In the past 20 years, MIET has come up as Institute of repute, imparting quality education in the field of Engineering, Management, Pharmacy, Computer applications and allied sciences. In order to sustain quality at different levels, the Institute has been taking diverse measures. Internal audit/assessment is one such measure that Institute has been practicing for long, and, now we believe that there should be a formal statutory body for this purpose, as per the guidelines of UGC-NAAC. With this objective, Internal Quality and Assurance Cell (IQAC) is being established here at MIET.

Objectives of IQAC

  • Academic and Administrative audit.
  • Assessment and Monitoring of Academic and Administrative Performance.
  • Develop an approach for enhancement of Knowledge, Skill, Attitude and Values among the students through curricular, co-curricular and extra-curricular activities.
  • Promote measures for institutional functioning towards quality enhancement through internalization of quality culture and use of best practices for holistic development of students.

Functions of IQAC

  • Development and application of quality benchmarks/ parameters for the various academic and administrative activities of the Institute. These benchmarks will help to give a direction to the Institute to achieve excellence in accordance with the standards laid down by statutory bodies.
  • Data collection from various departments and its maintenance.
  • Analysis of the received data and observe the gap between set benchmark and current status.
  • Suggest measures to fill the gap by advising recommendations regarding different academic and administrative bodies of the Institute.
  • Monitoring of the proper implementation of the suggested measures being followed by different academic and administrative bodies.
  • In order to achieve the objective set forth by IQAC, at-least two meetings per semester will be convened by IQAC coordinator. The agenda, minutes and action taken reports are to be documented with official signatures and maintained electronically The quorum for the meeting shall be two-third of the total number of members. Minutes of the meetings will be sent to the management.
  • Organization of  inter  and  intra  institutional  workshops,  seminars  on  quality  related themes and promotion of quality culture.
  • Preparation of the Annual Quality Assurance Report (AQAR).
  • Development of Quality Radars (QRs) based on AQAR, every year.


Composition of the IQAC 2024-25

View File

IQAC Minutes

Title Agenda Minutes Action Taken
XIII Meeting Agenda Minutes & Action Taken
XII Meeting Agenda Minutes & Action Taken
XI Meeting Agenda Minutes & Action Taken
X Meeting Agenda Minutes & Action Taken
IX Meeting Agenda Minutes & Action Taken
VIII Meeting Agenda Minutes & Action Taken
VII Meeting Agenda Minutes & Action Taken
VI Meeting Agenda Minutes & Action Taken
V Meeting Agenda Minutes & Action Taken
IV Meeting Agenda Minutes & Action Taken
III Meeting Agenda Minutes & Action Taken
II Meeting Agenda Minutes & Action Taken
I Meeting Agenda Minutes & Action Taken

IQAC Quality Initiative

AQAR 2021-22 AQAR 2020-21 AQAR 2019-20 AQAR 2018-19

Admission 2025-26