IOPs / Value-added Courses


S.No. Session Date of Commencement Number of Days/Hours Title / Short Description of the IOP / Value-added course / Certificate program Organized / Conducted Report
1 2022-23 5,8-4-2023 3 Days

Animal Handling: Principles of Pharmacological instruments,calculation of drug potency and Biostastical method

2 2022-23 23,31-12-2022 8 Days

Instrumental  Training

3 2021-22 21,14-4,5-2022 23 Days

Pharmacological Instrument and animal handling

4 2021-22 21,14-9,10-2021 23 Days

Instrumental method of Analysis

5 2021-22 16,29-8,9-2021 44 Days

Regulation related to drug product

6 2020-21 12,21-8,9-2020 40 Days

Regulation related to drug product

7 2020-21 8,11-7,8-2020 34 Days

Animal Handling: Principles of Pharmacological instruments, calculation of drug potency and Biostastical method

8 2020-21 13,4-7,8-2020 22 Days

Preclinical Screening of Neurodegenerative Disorders

9 2019-20 2,31-7-2020 29 Days

Spectroscopical methods

10 2019-20 13,2-5,7-2020 50 Days

Introduction to Drug Safety and Pharmacovigilance

11 2019-20 11,2-5,6-2020 22 Days

Fundamental of Neuroscience

12 2019-20 1-29-5-2020 28 Days

Industrial Pharmacy

13 2019-20 16,31-9-2019 15 Days

Modern Analytical Techniques

14 2018-19 10,14-1-2019 4 Days

Solid dosage forms and their evaluation

15 2018-19 10,21-8-2018 11 Days

Herbal Drug Technology

16 2018-19 10,21-8-2018 11 Days

Modern Analytical Techniques

17 2018-19 4,10-6-2018 6 Days

Pharmacological Instrumentation & animal handling techniques

Important Photo

Admission 2024-25