

S.No. Room No. Name of the Lab Major Apparatus / Equipment / Machines Report
1 M-312 Cyber Security,DAA LAB, MINI PROJECT LAB
2 M-303 AMAZON WEB SERVICES (AWS), DAA LAB, MINI PROJECT LAB Ubuntu 18.04.4 Lts And 20.04lts Libre Office Gcc,c Eclipse & Python
3 M-302 DAA LAB Ubuntu 20.04.5 Lts Java, Python Eclipse
4 M-213 DSTL LAB Ubuntu 18.04.3 Libre Office Gcc,c C++ & Python
5 M-212 DSTL LAB , MINI PROJECT LAB, COMPUTER NETWORK LAB Windows 10 Libreoffice Matlab R202ib Turboc++ & Python
6 M-203 CD LAB, MINI PROJECT LAB, COMPUTER NETWORK LAB Ubuntu 14.04 Libre Office Matlab 2020 Gcc,c C++ & Python
7 M-202 CD LAB, MINI PROJECT LAB, COMPUTER NETWORK LAB Windows 10 Natlab 2020 Gcc, C/c++,python , Adobe Tool
8 M-112 CD LAB, MINI PROJECT LAB,WEB TECHNOLOGIES, ML LAB Ubuntu 18.04.3 Lts Libre Office Matlab 2020 Gcc,c C++ & Python
9 M-111 SALESFORCE LAB,DBMS LAB ,WEB TECHNOLOGIES,ML LAB Ubuntu 18.04.3 Lts, Libre Office, Gcc & Mysql
10 M-103 SAP LAB,Software Engineering ,Data Structures Windows10, Microsoft Office 2010, Matlab R202ib, Turboc++ & Python
11 M-102 SAP LAB,Data Structures ,Software Engineering Windows 7, Microsoft Office 2007, Matlab R202i,b Turboc++ & Python
12 M-008 AWS IOP, PYTHON PROGRAMMING , ADVANCE PYTHON Windows 10, Matlab R202ib, Turboc++

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Admission 2024-25