Research and Development



S.No. Year Title of the Paper Name of the Authors Name of the Journal / Conference DOI
17 2020-21 Vote Recommendation System using Aspect based Machine Learning Approach Swati Sharma International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology (IJEAT))10.35940/ijrte.B3997.079220
18 2020-21 Sarcasm Sentiment Discernment towards Deep Learning Swati Sharma Journal of XI AN University of Architecture and TechnologyDOI: 10.35940/ijeat.F1311.089620
19 2020-21 Finely-grained Real-Time Facial Emotion Recognition Towards Neural Network Swati Sharma Journal of Bioscience Biotechnology Research
20 2020-21 Big Data Privacy Preserved of END to END Delivery Solution with TRIZ Mechanism Dr. Nidhi Tyagi Conference/ 3rd International Conference of Recent Trends in Computing- ICRTC-2021, SRM Institute of Science & Technology (Presented)View
21 2020-21 Multilinguistic approach towards Information Retrieval System for Big Data Swati Sharma 2020 3rd International Conference on Intelligent Sustainable Systems (ICISS)View
22 2020-21 A STUDY ON CONTACTLESS CASH WITHDRAWAL FROM ATM IN INDIA Ajay Kumar International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET)10.1109/ICISS49785.2020.9315969
23 2020-21 Face Recognition based System to Find Missing Human Mr. Joney Kumar International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET)ISSN No: 2395-0072
24 2019-20 Mapreduce: Simplified Data Processing on Clusters with Privacy Preserving By using Anonymization Techniques Dr. NIdhi Tyagi International Journal of Recent Technology and EngineeringISSN No: 2395-0072
25 2019-20 Big Data Privacy for End to End Delivery Dr. NIdhi Tyagi International Journal of Recent Technology and EngineeringDOI:10.35940/ijrte.B1104.0882S819
26 2019-20 Automating Home Using IOT Dr. NIdhi Tyagi International Journal for Scientific Research & Development|ISSN: 2321-0613
27 2019-20 Real Time Sentiment Analysis Towards Machine Learning Swati Sharma International Journal of Scientific and Technology ResearchrISSN : 2277-8616
28 2018-19 A Comparative Analysis For Shallow Aquatic Images Visibility Improvement And Restoration Mr. Gaurav Goel International Journal of Computer Applications10.5120/ijca2018918133
29 2018-19 Minimization of Association Rules using Hybrid Algorithm Dr. NIdhi Tyagi International Journal of Recent Technology and EngineeringISSN: 2277-3878
30 2018-19 Evaluation of Parallel System using Process Algebra Mr. Abhilash International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring EngineeringISSN: 2278-3075


S.No Year Title of the Patent Name of the Inventors / Applicant Application Number Status
1 2021-22 An Artificaial Intelligence And Machine Learning Based Autimated System For Health Care Dr. Swati Sharma 202111051850 Published
2 2021-22 Garbage Classfication And Seperation System Based On The Internet Of Things Ms. Akansha Singh 20211205162 Published
3 2021-22 Title Of The Invention : Machine Learning Algorithms For Internet Of Things (iot) Devices That Use Message Queuing Telemetry Trasport (mqtt) To Find Man In The Middle Threats Mr. Joney Kumar 202113051461 Published

Copyrights / Monogram

S.No Year Title of the Copyright / Monogram Name of the Inventors / Applicant Application Number Status
1 2021-22 Real Time Multi Lingual Tweets Access And Feature Extraction Model Dr. Swati Sharma 14633/2021-CO/SW Copyright Office

Funded Research / Grants

S.No Session Grant / Funded Research Type of Funding Agency Name of the Project Name of Principal Investigator Name of Funding Agency Amount Status
1 2020 Grant Government FDP Prof. Abhilash AICTE 93000 Completed
2 2020 Grant Government FDP Dr. Nidhi Tyagi AICTE 93000 Completed


S.No Year Title of the Consultancy Work Consultancy Work provided by Amount Status

Development Activities

S.No Type Brief Description Report
Admission 2024-25