Student Feedback Form

Teaching & Learning
Provide your feedback as per the following points so as to improve the quality of engineering education further :
(5 – Strongly Agree; 4- Agree; 3-Neither Agree nor Disagree; 2- Disagree; 1- Strongly Disagree):
S.No Parameter
1 Punctuality and Regularity of the faculty in the Class / Lab Room.
2 Explaining of OBE related contents (Vision, Mission, POs, PSOs, PEOs, COs and CO-PO-PSO mapping) in the first lecture
3 Focus on Syllabi and Completes syllabus of the course (theory / lab) in time.
4 Self-confidence and Communication skills.
5 Taking care of various measures to improve the academic performance of all the students including weak and bright stud
6 Delivery of structured lectures by faculty (topics are taught sequentially and in planned manner).
7 Skills of addressing inappropriate behavior of student and maintain the class-room / lab discipline.
8 Helps student in providing study material / lab manual which is not readily available in the text books say through e-
9 Shares the answers of questions of Sessionals / PUTs / Viva / Lab Quiz after the conduct of the Sessional / Viva / Lab
10 Refers to latest developments in the field and conducts the classroom / lab discussions.
11 Refers to latest developments in the field and conducts the classroom / lab discussions.
12 Fairness in assessment process (Sessionals, PUTs, Assignments, Quizzes etc.)
13 Skill of linking subject / experiments to life experience & creating interest in the subject and makes sure that studen
14 Approach towards developing professional skills among students and helps students in realizing career goals, strengths
15 Inspires students for ethical conduct.