Student Feedback Form


Provide your feedback as per the following points so as to improve the quality of engineering education further :
(5 – Strongly Agree; 4- Agree; 3-Neither Agree nor Disagree; 2- Disagree; 1- Strongly Disagree):
S.No Parameter Strongly Agree Agree Neither Agree nor Disagree Disagree Strongly Disagree
1 Availability of teaching aids such as multimedia projectors, speakers etc. in classrooms / tutorial rooms.
2 Library space and ambience, timings and usage.
3 Adequacy of number of titles in library, journals and magazines relating to different courses.
4 Adequacy of internet facilities in terms of availability of terminals, bandwidth & speed.
5 Drinking water facilities & their maintenance.
6 Availability of Washroom, Amenities & their maintenance.
7 Canteen facilities.
8 Medical & first aid facilities.
9 Housekeeping & maintenancs.
10 Housekeeping & maintenancs.
11 Training and Placement related achivities.
12 Mentoring system to help students at an individual level.
13 Grievance Redressal.
14 Activities and Events conducted at department / college level including Social Outreach Programs / club activities.
15 Conduct of Sessionals and PUTs, frequency and transparency.
16 Conduct of AKTU End Sem Exams.